# New Mercies Daily!
“How You Name Your Situation Determines What You Receive”
DATE: 31/01/25
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” – Proverbs 18:21
What you call your situation is not just a reflection of your perspective; it is a declaration of your faith. Your words hold the power to shape your reality and invite divine intervention.
Beloved, have you ever been in a place so dark that all you could see was despair? Have you ever looked at your life and felt like labeling it a failure, a loss, or even the end? Child of God, what are you calling your situation right now? Your words matter more than you think!
The story of Jairus in Mark 5:35-42 is one we can all relate to. His daughter was declared dead, and those around him said, “Don’t bother the Teacher anymore.” But Jesus responded with words that defied the situation: “She is not dead but sleeping.” Hear me-how you name your situation determines what God will do with it.
Child of God, listen to me: there is power in what you declare over your life. Too often, we let the voices of defeat, fear, and doubt dictate how we speak about our circumstances. But God is asking you today: What will you call the situation you are facing right now?
When David faced Goliath, he didn’t call himself unworthy or focus on the giant’s size. Instead, he declared, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37). David named his victory before the battle began, and God honored his faith.
When the woman with the issue of blood pressed through the crowd, she didn’t name her condition as hopeless. Instead, she declared in her heart, “If I can just touch His cloak, I will be healed” (Matthew 9:21). Her faith in naming her healing activated the power of God, and she received her miracle.
When Abraham stood before an impossible promise, he didn’t call himself too old or focus on Sarah’s barrenness. The Bible says he was “fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised” (Romans 4:21). Abraham named it faith, and God fulfilled His word, giving him Isaac.
What are you saying about your survival in this storm? What if God is waiting for your declaration of faith to step in and turn it around?
What are you speaking over your body in the face of terrible sickness? Are you declaring, “By His stripes, I am healed”?
If you feel you’re too old to get married, are you surrendering to despair, or are you trusting that “God makes all things beautiful in His time”?
Beloved, don’t call your valley a graveyard-it is a path to the mountaintop. Don’t call your pain permanent-it is the birthplace of your testimony. Don’t call your delay denial-it is preparation for something greater. If you believe, say Amen!
1.Oh Lord, teach me to speak words of faith and hope over every area of my life, even when my circumstances seem to be otherwise. Strengthen my heart to trust Your Word above the voices of doubt and despair, and let my declarations reflect unshaking faith in Your power to turn things around, in Jesus name, in Jesus name.
2. Oh Lord, silence every voice of doubt, fear, and negativity that rises within me or around me. Let Your Word fill my heart with peace and courage. As I declare Your promises, let my words become vessels of Your power, inviting Your miraculous intervention in every storm, trial, and challenge I face , in Jesus Mighty name. Amen !