“Many of the women asked me to record it”
Equatorial Guinea man, Baltasar Ebang Egonga who was caught with video tape of over four hundred women he had carnal knowledge of has said that none of the women were forced in the act.
Media reports have quoted him as also saying that some of the women actually permitted that the sex video made, adding that they were all mature women. He was arrested by the police in connection with the scandal.
According to Ebang, “All the women are mature , I recorded with their permission , some even went and came back . They asked for more and I was just having fun . My health is good and I’ll sue any of the women if they lied about being infected“
The Police has already released him and he is on his way back home to his family. Ebang is married with six children.
Baltasar Ebang Egonga is a businessman and director of the National financial Investigative Agency (ANIF). So far, the video documents show that Ebang has had sex with women from varied backgrounds including his brother’s wife.
According to local media in Equatorial Guinea, Baltasar is alleged to have had affairs with The spouse of the Director of Presidential Security, wife of the Attorney-General, daughter of the Inspector-General of Police, wives of several ministers, wife of his own younger brother, pregnant women, among others.