By Stanley Whites, TheProfileNews
The number of Ministers in Burkina Faso who have tested positive for Corona Virus has risen to five with suspicion of many others being infected.
The latest Cabinet member to test positive for the dreaded virus is the Honourable Minister for Trade and Industry, Harouna Kabore.
Others who had earlier been confirmed infected are: Foreign Affairs Minister- Alpha Barry, Interior Minister- Simeon Savadogo, Minister for Education- Stanislas Quaro and Omarou, who is the Minister for Mines and Quarries.
According to reports, the medical test results released by the Burkina Faso health authorities showed they have the deadly disease.
Burkina Faso is one of Africans countries worst hit by the novel virus named Covid-19. Unconfirmed reports say the country is battling with the surge in the number of infected people.
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