Read this before you plant your yam this year and harvest up to 15 tons per hectare
– Plant up to 13,000 yams per hectare
-Instead of sticks, plant Leucaena tree as stakes to support the vines
– That means you need 13,000 Leucaena trees
– Spacing should be 150cm by 50cm
– In the first year, you will harvest between 12 to 15 tons per hectare.
Why? Because Leucaena is a legume that fixes nitrogen in the soil.
Here’s a report from the scientists who documented this in Nigeria:
“Also using leucaena to support yam vines gave 12 to 15t/ha of yams and planting leucaena with spacing of 150cm by 50cm produced about 13,000 plants/ha in the first year.” – (Wilson and Kang,1981)
©Ibraheem Dooba