# New Mercies Daily!
At 99: Does God’s Covenant Still Make Sense?
DATE : 25/01/25
Scripture Text:
“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, ‘I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless. Then I will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.'”
(Genesis 17:1-2)
Thought for the Day:
“Your age, limitations, or circumstances can never stop the God whose covenant rests on His unshakable authority and power.”
Imagine being 99 years old. Your body has grown frail, your dreams have faded, and your hope is now a distant memory. This was Abraham’s reality. Decades had passed since God first promised him descendants, yet Sarah’s womb remained barren. As a human, perhaps Abraham had these thoughts: “Lord, why remind me now? Why reopen a wound that had already closed? Is it still possible? Can You still use me?”
But at this moment of despair, God appeared and declared, “I am El-Shaddai-God Almighty.” Why would God speak again when all seemed impossible? He spoke because God’s covenant is not limited by human frailty or timelines. He reaffirms His promises, not because we are strong, but because He is faithful.
In Genesis 17:10-11, God told Abraham, “This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you… Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.” Can you imagine this? There were no hospitals back then, yet at 99 years old, Abraham obeyed.
At 99, Abraham didn’t just hear God’s word-he acted on it. Can you imagine the painful process, the questions in his household, and the whispers of doubt from others? Yet Abraham trusted God, even when obedience seemed illogical. He circumcised himself and every male in his household that very day (Genesis 17:23-27).
Let’s pause for reflection:
How many promises have you abandoned because they felt delayed?
Have you allowed the passage of time to weaken your faith in God?
Who told you that God’s covenant depends on your strength or qualifications?
How many times have you doubted God’s word because of what you see in the natural?
How many times have you asked, “Lord, have You forgotten me? Why has it taken so long? Are You still there?”Let me remind you today: the God who appeared to Abraham at 99 is the same God who will appear in your life.
Abraham’s story teaches us this: God is not bound by time, age, or human limitations. His covenant stands, unshaken and eternal, even when life seems to say otherwise. The God of Abraham is your God too. If God could fulfill His covenant to Abraham at 99, He can fulfill His promises to you.
Prayer points
1. Covenant-keeping God, let every delay in my life be overturned by Your power! Arise, O Lord, and let Your promises manifest speedily. Turn my waiting into a testimony that glorifies Your name, in Jesus’ name!
2. O God who never forgets His covenant, I call on You today! Remember Your promises concerning me and fulfill them beyond my imagination. Let Your word prevail and silence every voice of doubt, in the name of Jesus!
3. Lord, as You made Abraham’s life a testimony at 99, make me a living example of Your faithfulness. Let Your power move in my situation and display Your greatness for all to see, in Jesus’ name!