To formulate feeds, farmers have to use the Pearson Square method. In this method, the digestible crude protein (DCP) is the basic nutritional requirement for any feed preparation for all animals and birds.
Now, assuming that a farmer wants to make feed for their chicken using this method, they have to know the crude protein content of each of the ingredients they want to use to make their feed.
The following are the DCP values for each of the common ingredients used in feed making:
◇Whole maize — 8.23%
◇Soya — 45%
◇Fishmeal (omena) — 55%
◇Maize bran — 7%
◇Sunflower — 35%
Each category of chicken has its nutritional requirement. For example, if we want to make feed for layers, the feed should have at least 18 per cent crude protein.
If one was to formulate feed for layers, then they would have to calculate the percentage of DCP in each of the ingredients they want to use to ensure that the total crude protein content is at least 18 per cent.
Therefore, to make a 70kg bag of feed for layers, a farmer would require the following ingredients:
=34kg of whole maize
=12kg of soya
=8kg of omena (fishmeal)
=10kg of maize bran
=6kg of lime (as a calcium source)
To find out if all the above ingredients meet this standard of 18% crude protein, a farmer can do a simple calculation as follows:
》Whole maize — 34kg x 8.23 ÷100 = 2.80 %
》Soya — 12kg x 45kg ÷ 100 = 5.40 %
》Omena — 8 kg x 55kg ÷ 100 = 4.40 %
》Lime — 6 kg x 0 kg ÷ 100 = 0.00%
Total % of crude protein = 13.30%
To get the total crude protein percentage of all these ingredients in a 70kg bag of feed, the farmer should take this crude protein content of the combined ingredients, divide by 70kg and multiply by 100, thus — 13.30 ÷70 ×100 = 19%; this shows that the crude protein content of the above feed formulation is 19%, which is quite adequate for layers.
To ensure the chicken to get all they need in terms of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino