By Destiny Young
Method 1: Banking Trojans (Smartphones)
Hackers can use malicious apps to break into their banking accounts. In this method, hackers create a duplicate copy of a legitimate banking app and upload it to third-party app stores. Once downloaded, the app sents the username and password to the creator.
Method 2: App Hijacking
In this method, a hacker creates a fake trojan filled banking app. Even some games app you download to your phone can be a trojan. When installed, it sits silently on the background and scans your phone for a banking app. When it detects a banking app, it shows a fake window that looks identical to the legitimate banking app and drives you to the login page.
The process is done so smoothly that a regular user won’t even notice the swap and will end up entering the details on the fake login page.
Method 3: Smishing
Smishing is an SMS version of Phishing. It’s a scam in which hackers uses SMS instead of email templates to lure recipients into providing credential via text message reply.
Smishing scams might show itself as a request from the bank, a note from the company, lottery prize, etc. Every template will ask you to make a payment by entering the credit/debit card details.
Method 4: Keyloggers
Keyloggers are another popular hacking technique used by hackers. Keyloggers are of two types – hardware and software. The software versions need installation. Once installed, it silently records your keystrokes and sends the information back to the hacker.
The hardware keyloggers need to be fitted into the line from a keyboard to a device. Hardware keyloggers need to be installed physically on the device. Once established, it serves as a software keylogger.
Method 5: SIM Swapping
SIM swapping is one of the rare techniques that hackers can use to break into your bank account. In this method, the hacker contacts your mobile network provider, claiming to be you. They convince network providers to assign the registered phone number to a new card.
If they are successful in doing so, all incoming calls and SMS will be routed to the new SIM card. It might look harmless and unachievable at first glance, but if done correctly, it can cause lots of harm. It can hack almost every accounts linked with the phone number.
Method 6: Man-in-the-middle attack
The man-in-the-middle attack is one of the most dangerous hacking techniques used by hackers. In a Man-in-the-middle attack, the hacker inserts him/herself into a conversation between two parties. In the banking section, the two parties will be the user and the banking application.
However, it’s an advanced technique that requires monitoring an insecure server and analyzing the data that it passes through. The ultimate goal of this attack is to steal sensitive information like banking credentials, credit card details, etc.
So, these are the five methods hackers use to break into your bank account. I hope this article helped you! Share it with your friends also.